Welcome, I am Deb as you would know considering you are on my website right now!
My life’s work and my life’s love is being in service to spirit and humans to assist in the connection between each other. The best way that I can provide this connection between you and your loved one and educate people on Life After Death is to travel. Travel allows me to be able to reach as many people around the world and country that I possibly can to share my work.
So in saying this, this is what I am doing right now. I have gone back on the road to visit you in your towns or hopefully towns close by to you.
I am not travelling alone though I have a tiny team with me and I would like to introduce them to you. First of course there is me from Cooroy, QLD and my great friends come colleagues; Heather Misic from Noosaville, QLD and Gareth Hockey from Palmerston North, NZ.
We have bought a caravan and car to travel around Australia, coming to you! Where are we travelling to?
The short answer is – wherever possible before Christmas, 2018!
We will be driving through QLD, NSW, VIC, SA, WA and back to VIC by the end of this year.
Our service and roles:
DEB: to help as many people as I can, to educate, to assist in the healing process related to death. Spread and sharing LOVE is very important and my core business.
Although this may seem like it is all I do, I will give you insight into life on the road – it’s very busy!
I assist setting up the venue room at each location. The sound system is my specialty area, as it must be perfect and I have been doing this for years. I will admit though, the system can work absolutely perfectly during the day at sound-check but as soon as the Souls enter the room in the evening with our audience, most of the time something will go wrong with the mics! However, I try my best to create a warm and intimate and inviting space for our audience as this can be an emotional process for some and I want everyone to feel at peace and safe when entering my show.
HEATHER – my best friend of over 15 years and my tour assistant. Heather’s role is to assist Deb (me), to set up the room at venue for my shows, placing the beautiful material up, setting up the crystal bowls and her entrance table. We work together to hopefully create a safe and warm space for you.
Heather’s role is to be there to welcome our guests who are attending the show and help out with whatever needs to be done during the evening. Heather also, is here to spread and share the LOVE, wait until you see her smile and hear her laugh you will know what I mean! Once you hear her laugh, you can never un-hear it! Those of you who have met Heather will know what I mean.
Aside from her infectious smile and laugh Heather, also has been trained in different healing techniques such as Reiki. She also provides healing while we are on the road and can take appointments. If you’d like more information please call her on 0439 731 118.
GARETH – our main man Gareth! Gareth is our driver and all-round handy-man!
Gareth is driving Heather and I around Australia (or to however far we get before Christmas), and sets up and packs down our caravan and campsite while Heather and I work on the shows themselves.
The caravan has become his baby! He makes sure everything is in working order and safe for our travels. He is the right man for our tiny team because he also emits love and positivity!
You may see Gareth at the helping out if he wants to, it’s not something he needs to do. Although I know Gareth will most likely be running around assisting anyone who needs it as that man has no idea how to NOT HELP, which is a fantastic and loving trait of his.
So there you have it – our crew or my tiny team on tour!
You will see each of us if you attend a show or follow along my tour on Facebook.
We are working together to share my ability with the world and do our part in educating, connecting, loving and healing our fellow humans – we all can do with more education, connection, love and healing. So it is our absolute pleasure and honour to be able to provide this to the world.
I am very excited to see you at one of the shows – tickets are here on my website!
Blessings and love of oneness to you,
Debs xx