Deb Webber


Introduction: Embracing the Unseen For millennia, humanity has pondered the existence of a realm beyond our physical senses. From ancient myths to modern spiritual practices, the concept of spirits, unseen … Read more

Practice Meditation and Mindfulness: Elevate Your Frequency and Consciousness In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant chatter of our minds and the distractions of … Read more

Are you seeking inner harmony, vitality, and a sense of overall well-being? Balancing your chakras could be the key to unlocking a harmonious flow of energy within you. The concept … Read more

In the realm of spirituality and personal development, the concept of ‘vibration’ refers to the frequency at which a person’s energy field oscillates. When we talk about someone having a … Read more

Spirituality is a broad concept that encompasses a sense of connection to something beyond oneself. It involves seeking meaning, purpose, and transcendence in life. Practices and beliefs that are often … Read more

PHOTO: Deb Webber and her beautiful children… 1995   Spiritualism often involves seeking a deeper connection with something greater than oneself, whether it be a higher power, the universe, or … Read more

READ BEFORE BEGINNING Please provide: Smudging stick, an essential oil diffuser, sand, dirt or water.  Smudging is the ritual of clearing and cleaning the energy of a physical space, object … Read more

In the reality of being human we may have limiting notions, beliefs, ideas, or thoughts that can imprison us from being our true self and using our full potential and … Read more

This blog is a follow on from my previous blog about my recent experience where I physically picked up on some Universal energies that weren’t really mine. If you haven’t … Read more


I spent most of that week in bed, I could not work, I did try then clasped after one session unable to stay awake. I became extremely exhausted, having to sleep for days (unless at Drs or Chiro), I felt like vomiting but didn’t, I had heat rushing through my body, then cold but not like a fever, at the same time I was still experiencing these tingles.

I was not nice to say the least, a week and a day later on Tuesday 21st, I was lying in bed and this energy suddenly run up my spine. It was as if I had an alien or ET inside of me. I was so aware of this movement section by section, moment by moment making its way up inside of me, truly one of many weird sensations I had ever encountered. Then it became stronger around the back of my neck, I can’t even describe it properly for you but it then suddenly without warning shot into my head and into me brain with such an intense pain and I saw this dark energy actually in my brain as I looked within watching what was happening to me.
It hit like someone was stabbing me with a knife in the top of my head. So, instantly I overrode that pain, that dark stuff in the shape of coral with prongs, I grabbed it through the intensity of sharp bladed edges of pain and throw it out into the Universe. Thank goodness I know how to do this shit!! That was like no migraine I have ever had. Because it was not a migraine, I find out later.

Tuesday night I was back to feeling the shakes and tingles still, and that is what was left. No feeling ill, no pain, I felt suddenly fairly good. And, then what happens Wednesday 22nd September 2021 morning?!?!
Oh my golly golly an earth quake in Victoria, Australia and as that occurs, I felt a razor blade sensation for only a moment. It is not the first time I have felt Mother Earth and it won’t be the last. I think it was the Earth Quake, not physically the Earth Quake but I felt it all energetically. Also, at the same time I have a sister who just had gone through the experience of having brain surgery for a tumour and I could of being picking up on her.

So, sometimes my darling ones you could be experiencing something that not yours, but not your energy alone!
Be warned, be aware, be conscious and look after yourselves. Learn and go with the flow.