Deb Webber


I went to bed around 10pm, woke at 1.19am and could not get back to sleep no matter what I tried. Don’t you just love those nights? I tried to keep very quiet as I have Gareth sleeping in the caravan while Heather is staying inside at her sisters B&B. Living in a van with others makes you truly appreciate sleeping and living alone! No one else to consider if you want to get up in the middle of the night to clean, eat, read, cook, etc. Make me want to stay single, well living singularly.

During the night I tossed and turned, tried to sleep but as I said nothing relaxed my energies. I had a feeling something was going to happen to me, it was a strong gut feeling but every time I asked my self what is was, nothing came except I did happen to see the shadow of a spider at the end of my bed before I went to sleep. And, in that moment I thought, “err a warning, something is going to happen” then I dismissed it just remembering right now in this moment. So, I was given the warning, and I should of done my gold light protection right then and there.

I did not! As the light rose I fell asleep for an hour or so, waking to see the tail end of Gareth exiting the van. I got up and went about the day getting dressed, making breakfast and cleaning up. As, I cleaned our dishes away I went to place a large knife into a holder that it came in, and somehow so quickly I had sliced my thumb. I grabbed hold knowing it was bad enough that I had to keep hold of it, joining the sides together. I call rang Heather and said “emergency I have cut myself pretty badly” It felt like forever for her to get to me. Don’t think she run! And, by the time she got to me bloody started to exit the wound. 

With my hand up in the air and holding it closed I ask Heather to grab the first aide kit. Long story short, we couldn’t find butter closures, she had no idea what to do, I tried to teach her to make the closures but that wasn’t working and the insides of my thumb was coming out. O, Golly I could see the muscle extending beyond my skin. I felt sick I couldn’t get the wound closer now so off to the hospital for 4 stitches. I did ask for butterfly closures, Dr Carter thought better to do the operation. Ha-ha. Sonja, Heathers sister took me up and we were straight in. I have to tell you Dr Carter was the best doctor ever, he did not smile much, and he didn’t have to. His gentleness was brilliant.

Dr Carter mentioned that the numbing injection would hurt and after that I would feel a thing, of course. I had the nurse holding my arm down as I had to hold it in a funny position hard to hold myself, and no way did I want my arm to move! The security lady from the front door, was on my right leaning over holding my arm as well,, and I had hold of Sonja’s hand, while she looked away. It was a so intense and involved with all staff. Amazing I did not feel a thing at all, nothing, it was great, I just don’t look forward to getting them out. Following the excitement we visited the local market and took a trip out of town for the rest of the day. I didn’t get to eat my eggs for breakfast or drink my tea before rushing to hospital and market, and there was nothing to eat while there. Food was on my mind. It was Pub time! I love pub meals. What a day, it started with pain and ended with joy. I was going to say ‘gain’. In fact we gained a lot today, we met knew people, gained insight to more of the surrounding area, a drive through the outback Australia, great food in our bellies.

What more do you need? It may look like there is not much to do or see out here, it is just the opposite if one is visiting! It is a must to visit The Hilton Hotel, Club in the scrub and Sheepyard pub. Even though some of the locals don’t really like tourist out there due to too many people in a place people live to get away from society. The police are now over the past couple of years checking up on them. Especially with their cars these days as years ago you could drive unregistered and without a seat belt. Now, they book people out in the middle of nowhere. I personally think, people in such remote areas shouldn’t have to register their vehicles and if you want to wear a belt it is up to the individual. There is no freedom left in our country. We are told, what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to speak, how to feel, etc. TOO MANY RULES!!! Out here amongst the dusty dry trees and the red, white and brown soil there is a grand feeling of happiness and freedom though.

A joy in my heart for this area, which I find hard to leave, I see why people love it out here. Nearly every dwelling has a caravan attached or a bus, there are old cars and trucks everywhere, the sun beams down in the month of May to warm your body enough to feel cozy, the roads are corrugated dirt, that swallows a car up in dust. There are less dead animals on the roads. People are open and friendly, well the ones we met like John Cook at The Hilton Hotel. He would be the barman! And, Rachel, who owns a sheep station of 22,000 acres ( I think) and her friend Scott from Brisbane. There are a few other fellers we spoke with I just can’t remember their names. Not, sure if i got their names. The photo’s added here will tell my story.

Truly though it is worth a trip out here. We went from pub to pub to club and arrived back in LR around 5pm for a roast all cooked and smelling delicious. Noel a friend had started cooking at midday in his camp oven, he is Sonja’s feller from the Bed and Breakfast, a miner at heart a opal miner at work and life. By, the way Noel if you ever read this the meal was fantastic and the opals you give me I will treasure. Thank you. Lunch out at the Hilton was amazing as well, thank you Sue. Early to bed after such a full on day, no painkillers needed, although throbbing away I fell asleep meditating into my finger and using my mind to join the cells together again. Thank you Sonja for having us stay, it was truly wonderful and I think Sonja’s B & B is the place to stay if you visit Lightning Ridge.